Hi de Hi. Good morning. At least you can understand the welcome this morning opening. No a chap who complained bitterly about the language spoken on the News hr, and how more and more words are being slipped in by the presenter. He had written to TV One complaints and  had received a reply. It seems that TV channels are classed as social media and therefore the presenters are able to add their own flavours to the presentation. Well that is food for thought. I personally thought the news was exactly that, presented in a ethical, factual, unbiased manner. So now our news hr has become a social media gig designed to allow presenters freedom to express them selves as they see fit. Wonder what Peter Williams would say to that.. This weeks carbon report arrived in my in box yesterday. Unites up 3.2 % week on  week. Up 19% yr on yr. Just how does the Reserve bank measure inflation? Lets face it . We all see the inflationary effects every time we purchase something. Across the board. From a fence post too a loaf of bread. Now don’t get picky. So interest rates are falling. Yep, little bit, but for how long? and is it in response to high profile business failures.? Are we headed for “Stagflation”? Just how much does the price of carbon contribute to the cost of goods and services to the consumer.? Obviously 19.2% in the last yr. Time there was some real investigative journalism , and answers from elected member’s, along the lines of. ” Why is NZ,s population and our economy being asked to save the planet. This is how much it is costing each house hold per ann to save the planet when we contribute .025% of the planets emissions”. Of course  that will not happen, even though there has been plenty of credible studies and economic analysis done and circulated/published in the rural media,, that never gets to the mainstream, stating the economic cost too the nation. So it is not hard. Now it seems t Beef and Lamb have figured out that 1 million breeding ewes and a few cows have disappeared this last yr. Of course that organisation is soooo woke that it is a cumulative effect from more than 1 yr and entirely due to our Kyoto obligations leading to large scale conversions of good farmed land to carbon farms, and local govts sustainable land use initiative’s. Read Beef and Lambs Livestock survey. or Farmers Weekly 26/08/24 pg 7 .Note that Australia still setting new lamb processing records and filling our market share across the board. It looks more and more like my informant from decades ago was on the money. Mike it is Govt policy to wind agriculture down to a local trade type industry. Same pg as the above. Rural NZ to be be measured in a Pine Box. Add in The proposed NPSFW and that what rural commentators are now saying. Where were they 17 yrs ago. August September 17 yrs ago i said this was the outcome being sought. Where were they then.? Yep google back in time to the Farmers Weekly . 3 very good reads. Ahead of my time, and on my own. Federated Farmers you say. Yea right. Plenty of evidence in this blog to say .No Not so. Just read their evidence to the High Court .Property Rights in NZ v Horizons Regional Council Bio-D provisions.  And i assume the Feds also opposed the Vegi growers in their appeal to the High Court regard to N limits and Water takes.  Even Justice Ko,s was confused enough to ask the Fed Lawyer, Mr Gardener. Sir. Just who’s side are you on. Mike Pederson then  chair of Beef and Lamb was equally culpable. All reported in this blog.

Now we have the debate over Maori representation on councils across the nation. Most woke left leaning councils are voting for, thus it is really important that rate payers make them selves ware of what is at stake here . It is not only democracy but economic  survival. It is my view that the Maori reps have been selected to present a Maori worldly view in a unthreatening manner to the table and thus smoothing the transition to control of the Natural and Physical by Maoridom. Think i am abit over the top. Think back to a news item TV 1 a few months ago, when there was publised news re Maoridom’s growing influence within Governance. The then Maori Kings words. You have nothing to fear. We will feed you!!!. So you say. Regional Council Business. News and View’s. I say to you. Again. Read the Documents. Plans and Policies.. It is all there. Whilst the coalition Govt appears to be cracking down on all the above. The NPSFW is still on the table and being implemented into Regional Plans as we speak, National and NZ First are not supporting Act with regard to the referendum on the Maori Wards, Nor is there any attempt to curtail Govt and Rate payer $ contributions to sustainable land use program’s, 50%, and believe me it is not only farmers getting the $. In Short it is my view that we the rate and  tax payer, paid to be wiped out by the environmental disasters occurring across the nation. Govt may say they have backed off, but the reality of it is that they have passed the can to the industry bodies, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall woke, Fonterra, Silver Fern Farms, Westpac, Rabo Bank. Plus others. Interesting to note that both Westpac and Rabo bank are pretty shy about thus, advertising Sustainable Farm Loans, and on social media, no not the News at 6.00. But once sprung by the likes of Groundswell quickly pulled the spiel.

Still think i am over the top. I hope to bring you commentary on the Gore District Plan. Get a insight on pg 12 Rural News 27/08/24. And looking back into the past. Taking Into Account the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi. Ideas for the implementation of sec8 of the RMA. Yes it is all here in this blog. No. You find it and read. I have said enough. More reading is available Farmers Weekly 5/08/24 pg 4 &5 ,14,25,27. 12/08/24 pg 11. Forestry Plans.

Yes. You can say I am repetitive. But this is how our nation found ourselves in the position we are now in. People of influence telling lies over and over again, the subjective interpretation of science and yes the cleansing of such that was just too hard to discredit. Until the general populace start to believe.
