Hello people. Early this month. Not often that happens. Well i have been taking a interest in Simon Upton for along time. Seems to me he has matured some what since his time as a member of Parliament. Grown up is probably a better word. Early on in his employment as the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, i made the similar observation. 2 or so weeks ago his comment’s in the then issue of the Farmers Weekly, again i wondered, but this weeks edition.. Well. Bluntly he told the recent Environmental Defence Society conference to grow up. Get real or they will all be wandering around in fantasy land living in punga huts and wearing grass skirts wondering how the hell it all went so wrong. pg 8 June 24th 2024.

On the other page, pg 9 same issue. The European Union Ambassador  commented on the fast track legislation regarding the free trade agreement . No probs. Forest and Bird mouthing off as usual. The ambassador Lawrence Meredith says agreement is designed to ensure that the goods coming into the EU have a high level of environmental protection, and there are NO plans to extend thus to include Agriculture. No Plans. Indeed the Kyoto protocol excludes Agriculture.

Then why is Fonterra, Beef and lamb persisting with the argument that our Markets are demanding.??? Even the coalition Govt has excluded Agriculture. 30% reduction in Methane emissions. It might help to get our heads around Fonterra, Beef and Lamb (who made no submission, Why.) and various farm consultants who made submissions to the Draft One Plan in 2007, supporting the One Plan. I am sure the doc is still available to any body who cares to request it.

Now Fonterra is proposing to  sell its brands. Thus i feel it is akin to the sheep industry stopping advertising woollen products in our markets. Look what happened. Just What the hell is going on in the board room. You no what i think has happened. You have heard me state it ..All the wrong people in all the wrong board rooms, decision making forums across all aspects of our nations governance, making decisions to ensure that the negative outcomes sought are achieved.

Don,t believe me. Lets look at Sri Lanka. Abit ahead of us going down the woke road. In the News at 6.00pm awhile ago. Riots across the Island. No petrol. No money to buy. it was their worst financial crisis in 70 years. Exports plummeted as a consequent of failed woke policies’ meaning  a severe $ shortage sending inflation soaring to a high of 70% per/ann. The currency plummeted to record lows and the economy contracted 7.3%. The IMF had to bail the Govt out to  stabilise the economy . Don’t think that will happen here? Mr Upton Does.

What really gets me is that there are so many seemingly intelligent people out there, with very large mouths, who are just so stupid, that it beggars belief.

Bring it on.