Hello readers. Well well. We are almost there, but like a good soap opera, the Govt is dragging out the story line. 6 weeks or so ago I wrote to 3 ministers of Parliament adding material for their information and to back up my assertions. That was Our Advisory Group Project ,which identified and describes members of Horizons Regional Councils unlawful activity in the Environment Court process with regard to Discharges and Nutrient Limits, chapter 14.Decisions version of the One Plan. That was the Minister of Justice, The Minister of Local Govt and the Prime Minister himself. I also included my opinion piece written whilst a Regional Councilor, which interprets the real meaning of sec 6, 7 and 8 of the RMA. It devolves full control of the Natural and Physical Maori. Including Water.
The Minister of Justice wrote back last week and told me if I am not happy with Horizons. take my project and go to court. Not a mention of my opinion piece.
The Prime Ministers office wrote back about the same time and told me the opinion piece was none of his concern and they have forwarded it to Nick Smiths office. MfE. for comment. No mention of the Advisory group Project. We wanted a Govt investigation into Horizons activities.
To date nothing from the Minister for Local Govt.
So all in all what I expected. They are all mates. All working towards the same out come. Control of the Natural and Physical by radical Maori.
Yesterday Sharron was waiting for coffee at our local BP station and browsed through Sundays Herald April the 2nd.. There on pg A9 is a full page advertisement taken out by the Center for Political Research, telling NZers to get off their chuffs and write to the Prime Minister demanding a end to this race based crap and govern for all of us. They refer to the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill as currently drafted and is before the house right now. Allowing Iwi to co-govern private property of others, the most damaging are the Mana Whakahono a Rohe agreements which will force councils to “Kowtow to Iwi”. Nick Smith says that these agreements will include Planning, consenting, appointment of committee’s, monitoring and enforcement, bylaws, regulations, and what ever takes Govts fancy. Including fresh water.
Constitutional Lawyer Stephen Franks says the bill entrenches permanent race privilege and corruption. Are a major constitutional change. And are beyond the reach of electoral recall.
Bills office has already told me he is not interested in my concerns, so sorry guys. I do not like your chances.
Then this morning on TV3 breakfast show the presenter had My mate Bill on, giving him heaps about the RMA and demanding changes. Well well. Again Bill has told me he is not interested, but he told the TV3 man that a change to another Act was on the cards ,doing away with the RMA altogether? Did I hear that right. We may not like even less the next bit of crap they bring out. Oh my God . It sounds like the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill.
There we are people. First it was Rhodesia. Remember that prosperous little country in the middle of Africa. Then South Africa. All with guns and violence. Now it is New Zealand and they are using the unlawful abuse of the various acts of Parliament which Local Govt use to govern. Yes Regulatory Means to achieve the outcomes desired. Both the above country’s are in a dreadful state ,and in the case of Zimbabwe are hell of a lot worse off. It will be no different here.
I have noticed for some time now that a lot of media programming is very critical of AGRICULTURE. This horrible paper the NZ Herald just seems to be over the top, and as is its Agricultural Publications. Just consider Friday March 24th pg 12 Business. Cut Livestock .Grow more trees. The Pathways report commissioned by Globe NZ. Parliamentarians of all parties working away against Agriculture. Herald pg A25 March 22. Fail Grade for New Zealand. A18 again Wed March 22. Less Irrigation and Dairy. More Trees. NZ has to save the world. Good God. The world would not miss us and our emissions if we completely disappeared tomorrow. .024% of the worlds Green House gas. And who on earth is this Rachel Stewart, also Herald March the 22 pg A12. Masquerading as a farmers daughter whilst putting the boot in big time. Mighty Wanganui’s identity status powerful rejection of tired, white-centric ownership- first mindset.
There is a Waikato Farming paper out most weeks which focuses on Green themes and organics, including trees. And Country Calendar, TV1 on Sunday evening is all green. Sorry to have to say guys, but to my mind NZer,s are being conditioned to accept the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill and the Mana Whakahono a Rohe, what ever, because Farming is nothing but a horrendous degrader of the environment and we deserve all these guys are going to give us. That Organic farming will save us and the planet and some how carbon will sustain us. It just goes on and on. March was a bad month for this garbage. Could it be coincidental with this bill that is before Parliament. I think not. I reckon that there is underground University out there, churning out these dropkicks, and has been for a few decades now. Their mission is to infiltrate every decision making body in NZ where a negative decision can be made to achieve the out comes desired. And I include our members of Parliament right down to Regional Councils, and our Mayors. I recognize them all. I also include Banks, Meat Processors , and Fertilizer Works. These people are all there and yes including Federated Farmers.
Well I have been saying for along long time now and up until now my view of what is really going on in the political scenes behind closed doors, out of sight and sound of the rate payer. Just recently people are starting to talk about just this. No prompting just out with it. Lets hope to god that there is a almighty backlash coming.
Local Maori are saying the settlement process has been hijacked by activists that Govt have encouraged. The people I talk to are right amongst it and I have no reason to doubt their sincerity.
Think on people. Write by all means to Bad old Bill. But do not expect any reward from it. We have a daughter and grand children in Australia. I hope that country is not the next on the hit list. But never the less I think we are going to spend more time over there. The Farm is sold and I am sure it was the right thing to do.
Catch ya