Welcome to Mike Plowman’s Blog

The reason I started this blog site was that during my time as a Regional Councilor, I found that I could not get adequate media coverage of Local Govt affairs. If at all. The purpose of my blog is the dissemination of information and Regional Council news that the media will not print. All comments made are my views with regard to the chosen subject.

Okey I got carried away with my mouth

Well I have done it again. Yes got carried away with it. I went to the Lower Nth Is Region, National Party Regional Council Meeting in Palmerston Nth yesterday. Yes you have got me. I came in from the cold and have decided that to progress my determination to rid the...

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The case of the sad Mayor.

Hello again. I was over in Dannevirke last week end and bumped into the Mayor, Tracy Collis. She was to my mind abit sad on it. All these farms that are going into trees. She seemed to find her self right there beside me when no body else was within ear shot, thus I...

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Symbolic. A Token Gesture?

Ministry of Primary Industry to the front bench of Nationals shadow cabinet. A move to appease Nationals rural voters?  If it is not the above then it must be a shift of real significance in terms of Nationals policy platform for the up and coming General Election due...

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Okey I got carried away with my mouth.

Yes I did. And forgot I did not include the Resource Management Law example in my last post ,but Rodney Hide bye bye speech. Yes well down the page he referees to Co-governance problems . He was a lot more forth coming at the Local Govt conference in Wellington, July...

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Good lord, The activists are coming out of the wood work now. And they are getting plenty of media coverage in the rural papers. Yes rural. No good there. We all no that it is not good reading. Of course I am referring to all this forestry planting of farm land,...

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Dam The Plan to Hell.

Well bring back memory's. Back in 20O7 August / September I wrote 3 articles to the Farmers Weekly with headings such as the above. These articles  propelled me into Regional Council. And with the exception of a article exposing the real intention of a trial, re twin...

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Surprise surprise.

Just got a email from a rep of the Hobson Pledge Trust, one Casey Costello, of Nga Puhi? decent, to say that as a consequence of the trusts petition on Parliament to stop Ngi Tahu being given unelected representation on Environment Canterbury,s Council. National, NZ...

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Carbons liabilities.

Hello again readers. I write this some what early, I cannot resist the comment. This last week PINE forest fires are engulfing the Tasman region. And Sharron tells me that scrub fires are threatening in a part of the Wellington Region. Bring It on. Horrible you say....

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