Welcome to Mike Plowman’s Blog
The reason I started this blog site was that during my time as a Regional Councilor, I found that I could not get adequate media coverage of Local Govt affairs. If at all. The purpose of my blog is the dissemination of information and Regional Council news that the media will not print. All comments made are my views with regard to the chosen subject.
James Shaw. Green Party . 4%. Penny Stocks. Cost of Food. Turning 65
On the morning 05/04, James Shaw was interviewed on the AM Show. Climate change .WE must all do our bit and more. Good start is to eat less meat!!!!. Really. A good start would be to get rid of the words CLIMATE CHANGE. History has told us that our climate was totally...
Mana-o te-Wai . Slipping into Anarchy. pt. 2
It is with a heavy heart I write this post. Despite being intertwined with both sides of the story I feel for my Grandchildren here in NZ. What future are they to grow into. What will they think of their grand parents and their father despite the fact that he him self...
Hello readers. I got behind with this /last months blog and then found a 502 Bad what ever attached to the sight and could not access. Fortunately that went by the by its self and here i am. I was going to forgo this blog but watched the AM Show this morning. Probably...
Getting to the bottom of Hearsay. Kiwi Saver. EV,s
Hello again readers. As I said above i have gotten to the bottom of hearsay as described in last months post. The land for sale 23.6 hec has all been sold. But much to the amusement of the vendor , some of it has been sold twice even before title was given, mere days...
The Realm of Hearsay.
Goood morning all. Going to be another hot one. Whilst up in Taumarunui for xmas most mornings were perfect for sitting on the deck in the early morning sun sipping that first coffee. I was lamenting the fact that there was always a breeze wisping through making the...
Apprehensive. Mortgages. Markets. Climate Change. Covid. The Bull SXXt That goes with it.
Morning or Good moaning as my friend John likes to open with. The Long Game. Various political academics ,the National party and my self have described, played out or allured to. The devolving of the Natural and Physical as described in the Resource Management Act. To...
Look behind you as we slip into Anarchy and face 200 years of Darkness.
Good Moaning. Yes it is raining cats and dogs so i am sitting down to this. This Blog will be my last this year . I will post the next end of Jan 2022. I hope you recognise the heading as those of posts gone by. How right was I . Now with a manufactured Covid,...
Te Mana o te Wai. He Pua Pua. 3 Waters. Carbon. The New Rocket Fuel.
Hi de Hi. Here we are again. You will remember my brief comment about the Proposed NPS Fresh Water a year ago. I referred to its associated document Te Mana o te Wai. It was maoridoms demands associated with the NPS. Specifically ownership of water and infrastructure...
55,000 malicious log in attempts.
Recently I checked out the stats department. 55,000 malicious log in attempts. 87,000 spam attempts stopped. I am up setting somebody? That person cannot stand the truth being dispersed. Will Jacinda use the terrorist's attack in Auckland to close down blogs such as...
He Puapua Fires and Floods, Overseer and Like sheep to the Slaughter House. (Parliament)
Hello once again. Lots to talk about today. I feel like getting out and going somewhere different. A bit tired of the house, block and work. Trying to put together another horse box with living, on a truck i bought earlier in the year. Finally managed to get the right...