Welcome to Mike Plowman’s Blog
The reason I started this blog site was that during my time as a Regional Councilor, I found that I could not get adequate media coverage of Local Govt affairs. If at all. The purpose of my blog is the dissemination of information and Regional Council news that the media will not print. All comments made are my views with regard to the chosen subject.
Water Quality 2
Since my first post on water quality, alot of media attention has been focused on the performance and cost of some of the Nations Waste Water and Sewage Plants. First I would like to comment on Local Government New Zealands submission to the Ministry for the...
MEDIA RELEASE lr4istrdcc! rlelii'q$n6ti: pa r12!€ ]lrl'tr:;of,6t5 t$R^ Z.-ni :a.rq2ei?t6 F arrl]Jl2'jl !!*r rirlr,: r: Government proposals for foreshore and seabed trampled democracy says LGNZ 30 Apnl2010 Proposals for iwi planning documents and activities...
The New Year.
Well 2009 has finished in typical governance style, with a number of farmers getting phone calls followed by abatement notices from Regional Council about spraying of Manuka and Kanuka up to 5yrs ago, as reported in various farming papers. The silly thing about it is...
My View
The reason I started this website is because I could not get adequate media coverage. If at all. The purpose is the disinsemination of information and Regional Council news that the media will not print. All comments made are my views with regard to the chosen...
water quality
A Personal Opinion Piece by Councillor Mike Plowman Recently the National Media reported that the Manawatu River is one of the most polluted rivers in the world pointing the finger to Horizons Regional Councils own report on Dissolved Oxygen, as measured at Hopelands...
Two days ago a partition from fed farmers arrived in the mail asking that I sign and gather more signatures and return. I am not going to do either. The preamble and the conclusion are commendable, but sadly the 4 bullit points are poorly thought out and written in a...
Regional Council December ’09
This week I have a number of issues to consider. Firstly some 10 to 12 years ago I was actively involved in Federated farmers at Provincial level. During which time we had the Forestry Amendment Act which Federated Farmers executive members appeared to be under...
Resource Management Act
A Personal Opinion Piece by Councillor Mike Plowman. Horizons Regional Council. The Resource Management Act. 1991 Purpose and Principles. My view is that the Resource Management [RMA] 1991 is a document, Act of Parliament that was not designed to supersede other Acts...
Treaty Settlements
Treaty Settlements A Personal Opinion piece by Michael Plowman Horizons Regional Councillor In recent times the NZ Herald has reported the views of several correspondents, including Hugh Barr, Herald July 31st, Pita Sharples, July 28th, Don Nicholson, August 21st, Jim...
12 months on and still the same issues
This was my column in the Ruapehu Press 12 months ago. Parts of it are even more relevant today. Horizons My View Well this past 12 months have really screamed by. It has been full on with farm and family commitments and a full on work load with Horizons. Coming from...