Welcome to Mike Plowman’s Blog

The reason I started this blog site was that during my time as a Regional Councilor, I found that I could not get adequate media coverage of Local Govt affairs. If at all. The purpose of my blog is the dissemination of information and Regional Council news that the media will not print. All comments made are my views with regard to the chosen subject.

Annual Plan 2011

  IS HORIZONS IN BETWEEN A ROCK AND A HARD PLACE? That well known movie saying “Life is like a box of chocolates, there are choices” is so true. Horizons will find it’s self in that situation in the near future says Regional Councillor Bob Walker. Horizons have a...

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Role’s and Functions of Regional Council

Hello readers.  This week I want to publish this paper, that the chair asked me to present to the March  Regional Council meeting , in Feb. It is similar to my encounter with council lawyer Mr Maassen at that meeting. It is interesting to note that the court...

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Environment Committee March.

Hi readers. Since I last reported on my activities I have been to the Regional Animal Health Board meeting in Wanganui. This committee meets 4x"s a yr to stake holders meaning the Agricultural industry, with the board and MAF giving reports. Basically it is reporting...

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How many Chairs.

Hi people. We have a new chair, councillor Gordon, runs a good meeting . No change in direction. Has done a flip flop on his inaugril speech.Totally devoted to the cause . Land Use Change. 2 councillors challenged his authority when he requested they wear a tye to...

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December 2010

Hello for the last time this year readers. Man has it really blasted past. Every milestone you subconsciously set for the year has come gone and the next in your face before you realise  it. There have been a few disappointments and not many wins. I have not been able...

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Hi readers. Well I have done it again , In trouble for giving Mr Greer Sustainable Farming MAF a hard time 2 weeks ago. Seems Chairman Guy asked for questions of, but instead got a debate. I remember that Catchments Chair Mr Barrow fired a number of shots himself . I...

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Week, Ist Sept.

Hi people, this week has seen the grass growth pick up noticably, the twin scanned ewes are right into lambing, 10 days early, and the survival rate looks to be good. The weather has been warm but grotty, and there is good covers on the twinning paddocks ,well nearly...

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Landfills or Chemical Dumps?

This week I want to write about chemical dumps. Recently we had Mr Bert Judd, a member of the Waitarere Enviromental Care Association and a member of that organisations monitoring committee, use public speaking rights at May the 12th Environment Committee meeting, to...

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Enviroment Committee 14th July

Well well .This week cleared up the confusion over Bert Judd from my previous post, Land Fills .Both Mr Judd and Mr and Mrs Patton were at the meeting and while Mr Judd was smiling and quite rightly so Mrs Patton was not. Both partys represent the Waitatere...

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Annual Plan

Hi readers, well before we get down to bussiness I would like to comment on my previous post 2 weeks ago. Land Fills or  Chemical Dumps  The Gentlemen named did appear before the council and did not need speaking rights as he appeared , speaking to another item which...

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