Welcome to Mike Plowman’s Blog

The reason I started this blog site was that during my time as a Regional Councilor, I found that I could not get adequate media coverage of Local Govt affairs. If at all. The purpose of my blog is the dissemination of information and Regional Council news that the media will not print. All comments made are my views with regard to the chosen subject.


Entered Horizons on the back of 3 articles printed in the Farmers Weekly August

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Hello People.

I,m back. Been a while. and I must say I am worried you have all forgotten me. Had trouble finding the site, the machine said I no longer exist. That was a worry but then plenty of people would not mind. Before Xmas, I attended  the Environment court  appeal to the...

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Hi guys.  As referred to in my last post, the wellbeings appeared on the council workshop agenda last week. But not as the  well-beings as such but the  out-comes. Honestly there is no end to the slight of hand that pervades that place. Of course I was not prepared to...

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Changing Colours.

Hi guys, been a relatively quite month , but some high lights. I fronted to Horizons on Tuesday 11th , for the Stratagy and Policy Meeting, to a screaming mob of vidulantes wanting to hang all Councillors for lack of decisive action over the Palmerston North City...

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Musical Chairs

Hi Readers. This month has really bolted by.  Only 12 weeks to Xmas? On August the 30th we had the Regional Council meeting. Topics of interest are the CEO's report. His report gloats of the 2010-11 SLUI, (sustainable land use intiative.) result seeing 2,822 hectare's...

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Another month

August has been another quiet month for Horizons, with only the Catchment Operations Committee , the two day Strategy session, and a wasted trip to Wanganui for the Regional Animal Health Committe meeting which was cancelled and I was not get notified. Never mind. The...

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what did I say.

  This month I have a number of  issues to touch on. First I have heard it said that I step out side of   Regional Council issues in this column. Let me say that every thing printed in this column is Regional Council issues. If thoes who say this not correct, then you...

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I must apoligise to my regular readers, Been 7 weeks since my last post, and I will say 7 very busy weeks. Back to the present. I have the resource consent application for the Defence Force sewage upgrade at Waiouru this coming week. I do not know how it got to a...

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pink pages.

Hi people, alot is being reported to councilors  and I have noticed that now items that should be in the public arena are now being reported in the pink pages.  One such is PX5  Regional Council agenda tuesday 22 March. Titled Mr Derek Postlewright. IRIS Project. The...

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