Welcome to Mike Plowman’s Blog

The reason I started this blog site was that during my time as a Regional Councilor, I found that I could not get adequate media coverage of Local Govt affairs. If at all. The purpose of my blog is the dissemination of information and Regional Council news that the media will not print. All comments made are my views with regard to the chosen subject.

Candy Man

Hello again, thought I would open on a different note this morning. No I am not a director of any candy company, I do not know how I got that title. Easy to get but that it took some getting rid of. (see my Linked in site) Well I have some bad news this morning....

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Suicide Watch

Hi guys. Well no doubt most of you have read the media release this last week re the Regional Council meeting Tuesday the 25th June. Report no 13-124 on page 121. Implementation of the proposed One Plan nutrient management provisions. You would have seen it reported...

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Going to Hell

Hi guys. The above is a suitable title for this post. Horizons is or should I say staff with in and supported by our Palmerston North councillors including our Chair Bruce Gordon and the members on the council advisory group, whom I have named in a previous post, has...

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What a Battle.

Hi guys, Just a up date on times and fun and games since my last post. Mate what a horrid place. There are 5 senior councilors from the lowlands and their mates in staff who are just so determined to screw  the world and the rate payer over. Honestly they must all...

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Conflicts of interest

Hi people. This is the last post for this year. I do not know how many of you read in the Rural News last month where Justice Koes is an elected member of Fish and Game. Yes elected and he is the very same Judge who heard Property Rights in New Zealand inc appeal to...

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The End of Regional Councils

Hello readers. October was a relatively quiet month with only 3 meetings, although they were followed by One Plan Work Shops. Staff and Chairs of committees doing their best educate the rest of us. I have to say that they appear to be doing a good job of it. It is my...

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Under the Hammer

Well, this last month has been interesting. First I will start with the Agenda's. September the 4th saw the Regional Transport Committee meeting. Page 9 the road safety update states the total cost of the the activities for the above was $871,985 of which there was a...

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God, am I not a horrible person. Here I am , vindicated. The Environment Courts decision is out. On a range of appeals bought by Fish and Game, including DoC covering  most Plans of the One Plan. I missed the news tonight but I understand that the decision is big news...

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Quiet Month

It may have been a quiet month, but there are significant items to report on. The first will be item 7 in the Policy and Strategy meeting held on the 14th of August. Implementation of the One Plan. This can be found on page 19. Financial Impacts. These will be dealt...

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Barstad of a Year.

Hi people. Surprise surprise , I'm back. Sorry to say to all my regular readers for my lack of posts since January. We bought a new computor and of course the settings had to be adjusted to allow me to add new posts. This I did not realise till recently, and found my...

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