Welcome to Mike Plowman’s Blog

The reason I started this blog site was that during my time as a Regional Councilor, I found that I could not get adequate media coverage of Local Govt affairs. If at all. The purpose of my blog is the dissemination of information and Regional Council news that the media will not print. All comments made are my views with regard to the chosen subject.

Fair Fax

Welcome to the New Year. Is it going to be any better than the last? Well in my neak of the woods it has got off to a really dry January.January came in really hot with a intermittent hot dry Nth Wester blowing in.It looks to me like a real bad drought is under way....

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Future Farmers.

Hello readers. Well I  have just eradicated 72 comments ,mostly spam. I had 12 or so positive comments I replied to. Starting to get the idea that perhaps the trendy lefty green's of the region are trying to wear me down. Well it is rather flattering to think that...

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Recognition .

Afternoon Guys  & Gals. By now some of you will have found my face and brief profile in the Ballance Fertilizer Co-ops election of directors mail out. I say brief because the story was supposed to be 150 words. And of course being a good boy I wrote 150 words. I...

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Change of Govt.

Hello once again people. Horrid day, so decided to spend time on the machine. It is school holidays so the rellies start turning up .Last 2 days had a crew from down country here. The boys are mad keen on deer stalking. There is quite a few fallow around now and...

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The Green Economy.

Hi guy's, off to Aussi today hence the shortened report for this month. First would like to comment on all this nonsense in the media regarding Nicky Haguers book "Dirty Politics". Christ if the man really wanted to get down and dirty and do some real investigative...

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Well. I will be Buggered.

Hi people. Have made a mental note at the end of Sept to look up to see how many readers are still with me. It will have been 11 months since the local body elections, and I will be keen to see whether my readers are still interested. On another note ,my wife, son and...

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Election Year.

Hi readers. Sorry to say i did not get this out end of last month. I have had no end of prob tryin. The machine will not remember my password. And not being a expert with it ,it has taken me a while to figure out how to get around the problem. To those of you who are...

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Good morning readers. Gosh. I was sitting at the machine last night comtemplating this blogg. Going through the material I felt really down. We have just gone through another really dry summer. I have got less feed now than I did at this point last year. On the plus...

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Hello again. Abit late sorry to say, missed last weeks dead line. I have been through abit of a trial and tribulation trying to get a water pump to suck. Not wanting to spend the dosh and get a expert in, I just had to find out for my self . I have 2 pumps that are...

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Jehova Witness.

Hi there people. Last week a couple of the above reps  knocked on the door, no doubt hoping to convert me to the church. The first question was, what is the major issue affecting the planet that concerns you? I could not help myself thinking, here we have a couple of...

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