Welcome to Mike Plowman’s Blog
The reason I started this blog site was that during my time as a Regional Councilor, I found that I could not get adequate media coverage of Local Govt affairs. If at all. The purpose of my blog is the dissemination of information and Regional Council news that the media will not print. All comments made are my views with regard to the chosen subject.
Dodgy Science.
Hi people. Seems I have loyal following, not nearly as many as when I was in council but never mind. I guess I lost many with the nonsense that went on earlier in the yr. I have had a bit of a laugh at Regional Council expense a while ago. A Regional Council hopeful,...
What's on my mind. Well that is what the machine asked when I opened up my site. Plenty. First I want to explain the photo out the front .Rather dark and dismal. Cold. Appropriate for NZ,s economy of the moment. But could easily be bright sunny and vibrant. of course...
What a end to 2015.
Hello readers. No I have not forgotten nor lost interest. But let me tell you that my family have had a horrible end to 2015. And whilist I have said this blog is about reporting on local governance issues, in particular Local Govt, I feel it is necesary to tell you...
Bereavement leave
Walter Francis Plowman. 31.3.1933 - 3.10.2015. Farmer. He and his father before him broke in the land wearing out 3 caterpillar D2 bulldozers, a set of 6 aside giant disc,s and a old coulter drill. he helped to build the wealth of the nation. Yet now we find that it...
Looking After Their Mates.
Hello again readers. What a horrible grotty cold wet month August has been. If we weren't getting frosts then we got rain and heaps of it. it seems to me that every second day I was tipping out 20/30 mls. Lambing is well through with a big drop of lambs right at the...
Flood Protection 2
Hello readers. Well blow me down.Ex Horizons councilor Bob Walker is on the war path over the wasted funding for flood protection for Wanganui. He has been writing letters to the editor, making submissions to the Wanganui District Council 10 yr plan, and complaining...
Submission to Horizons 10 year Long Term Plan
Hello again people. here is my submission to Horizons LTCCP that I reffered to in last months post. How appropriate it was, as only a matter of weeks later the Whanganui and Rangitiki Districts were hammered by the worst flooding event in a 100 years or more. Even...
The Lions Den
Hello once again readers. I am going to open up with a bitch about Sky TV. Last Tuesday night we had a pretty good sort of a Thunderstorm pass over .Lasted for about 20 mins. My wife and I were at the Domain Board meeting leaving the computor on. Not something we do...
What A Flip Flop
Well here goes again. I typed up 1200 odd words previously only to wipe it . How i did it has me a bit stumped. The auto saver was supposed to be working as it is now. But gone. The drought is over, thank god for that but we are short of grass. Facial Xma has reared...
Hello people. I am back on air. I have had a blunt awakening to the fact that nothing lasts for ever and that computers need cleaning. The telecom radio link has been playing up some thing chronic over the last 5 weeks or so, and at the same time our computor decided...