Welcome to Mike Plowman’s Blog

The reason I started this blog site was that during my time as a Regional Councilor, I found that I could not get adequate media coverage of Local Govt affairs. If at all. The purpose of my blog is the dissemination of information and Regional Council news that the media will not print. All comments made are my views with regard to the chosen subject.

An End to my Book?

Hello once again readers. I have a feeling that I am coming to the end of my book. It has detailed my experiences from within the "Lions Den". Horizons Regional Council. Firstly as a councilor, and then from the out side as a knowledgeable commentator. I think back to...

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The Conclusion.

Hello readers. Well well. We are almost there, but like a good soap opera, the Govt is dragging out the story line. 6  weeks or so ago I wrote to 3 ministers of Parliament adding material for their information and to back up my assertions. That was Our Advisory Group...

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Coming Down to the Wire.

Hi Wendy. Just as laugh I am having with our good friends. But I am not laughing at my fertilizer bill. Like most hill country farmers struggling with the balancing act of getting the fert on at the optimum  time and being able to afford it, It is a stress trip. I...

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Yes ladies and gentlemen. The most polluted place in NZ is Auckland. Oh yes it is. There it is all over the TV on the 23rd Jan. Yes TV1 News. The NZ Herald followed up next over 3 days. Toxic water readings stun expert. Housing cannot stop for sewage. The Mayor....

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The New Year.

Hi readers. It is another wet morning and I decided to write up this post. Seems to be a habit of mine. Waiting for the rain to stop, I know, lets whip out my monthly post. Xmas was a quieter affair than normal. May be it is because it was in Hamilton, or because some...

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Setting the Scene

Hello readers. Sorry to miss last months post. The farm comes first and I was hard out shearing the ewes. yes I do all my own shearing, approx. 8500 thousand a yr. The ewes were quite tight this yr, meaning though going. my brother drives stock trucks and he was...

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Hello readers, Have to apologise. I try to get a post out every month, but I am having real trouble getting the hang of this new sight. Although this last week the broadband was going real slow, a problem that I believe was pretty much over a inter regional area. So 2...

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Good morning readers. It is raining, so have decided to get this out of the way. Times are getting really horribly interesting. At the prompting of a chap I have a bit to do with I read the full draft of the over arching catchment management document associated...

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Hello again readers. This my 2 nd attempt at this, spent all afternoon yesterday on this only to push the wrong button and presto, all gone. Well I wonder how many of you managed to get hold of the science report I wrote about last month. A Dons. I found my copy. I do...

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Dodgy Science pt 2

Hi readers. I just want to clarify what I meant to say in my last post, but got carried away writing and forgot. During my whole time in Horizons Regional Council, staff and the Catchment Op chair insisted that tree'd cover of land was the only method of stopping...

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