Hello people. been trying for a while to publish the Commentary by Bryce Mc Kenzie, .on the Gore District Plan. Now this is interesting for 2 reasons, and Gore is not the only  District Council to control the “Effects” of the Use and Development of Land. If you think back to Property Rights in NZ,s appeal to the High Court as described in this blog ,you will see that Property Rights got hammered ,in that the Court determined that “Regional Councils” control the effects?????????. Yet here we are. Now the Gore District Council is up to no good and is implementing policies based on Maoridom’s Cultural values. Maori are saying, No not us. We are not driving this. Well somebody is. Either  they have been found out and are to ashamed to stand up and say “Yes” it is us. Or a whole bunch of radicles in Govt ministry’s in Wellington are driving Land Use Change using Maoridom’s cultural concerns. You  be the judge, but you should have heed to what has been uncovered over the years by the Author of this blog.

Next .Why was i prevented from publishing the email article, written by the author and emailed to every farmer in NZ, upwards 14,000. But not allowed to publish in this blog?. Is It Mr McKenzie’s wish, or is it an out and out effort to prevent the truth of our democracy getting out into the wider populous. Remember. A Leopard never changes its spots. The RMA reform process is well underway, says Mr Chris Bishop, Manawatu Farming Lifestyles sept 2024, pg 13. Putting Property Rights at the center of Resource Management  including the wider natural environment. So why am i not allowed to upload and publish the email detail????????

ACT seem to have gone abit squeamish with regard to their referendum on the Principles of and Maori Wards, National is down right blatantly shafting such efforts, and Winny and Shane are noticeably absent or missing in action.

Immm, Interesting, if not down right frightening.

Entire Gore District to be classified under RMA Section 6