Hello readers. Well I have just eradicated 72 comments ,mostly spam. I had 12 or so positive comments I replied to. Starting to get the idea that perhaps the trendy lefty green’s of the region are trying to wear me down. Well it is rather flattering to think that they feel the need to comment. I must be hitting the button.
Early this month I was gob smacked to have my attention bought to a post on the NZCPR.COM Websight. titled Breaking Views.co.nz. Saturday November 1, Frank Newman: Relentless planners and you. This guy must surely have been reading my blogg . It is all there. Planners are dangerous people in that they elevate their own perceptions of the world above those they are supposed to serve. In an ideal world rate payers would be protected from such people by their elected representatives. But unfortunately in the real world they are nowhere to be seen. And he then goes on to give an example. Northland Regional Council Regional Policy Statement. He has not seen any Councillors participation throughout the mediation process and presumes they have delegated their role to represent the public interest to their planning staff! The effect of that abrogation of duty is that resource users are unrepresented and have no say. Yes yes I know ,what about the industry good bodies that we elect to represent us . Frank covers that too, and comes to the same conclusion as me . They use planners to.
Recently I attended a funeral of a family friend . Did I comment on this in the last post ?. Any way I checked out the Future Farming reference that a speaker to the eulogy made about the deceased involvement or lack of it with the Title.I Googled it up and there it is. Seems that my old college Lincoln College has gone all alternative and green and is devoting the whole campus to biological and organic farming research. I have read a bit about their research into Nitrogen leaching and their field day one year into a ? year research program. Seems the researchers have determined that cutting cow numbers can be compensated for by cutting fertilizer costs, and bless them, increase milk production. Seems also that they concluded a recent conference of future farmers by voicing elegance to traditional farming methods. I also see a photo of and a copy of a media speech our then federated farmers president Mr Wills presented to the organisation. Yep. Look far enough and you will find. I see his mates in my local federation province.
In fact it is my view that one of the worst of them has just been awarded a Nuffield Scholarship to study overseas. There it is page 2 Ruapehu Bulletin. ruapehubulletin .co .nz. Makes a mockery of the award. Trouble is people like this find them selves in all the wrong places influencing/making decisions that achieve the outcomes they and their mates desire.
Well the Ruataniwha dam in Central Hawkes Bay, that I have been commenting on in previous post has got past go and is going to happen. I do not know what happened to the N leaching allowances ,but they no longer seem a issue. All I can say is that somebody has kicked somebody’s butt and it is all go. Read all about it in the NZ Farmers Weekly pages 17/27 November 17th 2014. It also seems that the environmental groups are appealing.
I wonder what has happened to the proposed sec 6 Resource Management Act (RMA) changes of which “Economic out comes ” are supposed to take precedence over other matters. I am off to Horizons Regional Council meeting for the month and in which lunch is provided along with the Prime Minister in attendance tomorrow. Yes Tomorrow. Seems odd to me too but I am keen to attend along with some questions for the appropriate Ministers.
This Week Horizons Regional Council announced that council approved the Plans making up the One Plan and that the One Plan is now operational. Does not matter that the document is illegal in that section 30 Matters of the RMA. do not overlap with the section 31 control of the effects matters of the RMA. Section 12 of the Local Government Act, Status and Powers, does not allow. The Plans of the One Plan are all regressive in that none of the plans as written allow for economic growth, in fact quite the opposite. Now I know and as I have explained in previous posts on this matter ,council is interpreting policies to allow for and report no 13-124 of the Regional Council meeting June 2013 is a example. But the fact remains the policy is written to achieve the opposite. Land use change. All the plans lead to the same out come. Land use change. They are recognized. I am not aware of any plan changes before being approved by council as per Schedule One, part one RMA.
I wonder how Horizons Regional Council can reconcile the Manawatu-Whanganui Regional Growth Study they are facilitating along with the Ministry of Business,Innovation and Employment and the Ministry of Primary Industries. It seems to me that there are going to have to be plan changes at the next review period. Going to be interesting. Who pay’s.
Well I also read in the Business section of the NZ Herald November 21st 2014 page 9. A bunch of real idiots are demanding policies to bring about a meaningful emissions trading scheme and implementing it across the economy. There is no end to these dangerous people. God only knows how they fund their private lives, but it must be in some fantasy world removed from the real world. Surely their views must come from a drug induced state of utopia far removed from reality. Especially when NZ contributes so little (0.02%) of any carbon to the atmosphere. But then is not carbon one of the most important elements to life its self. Limiting carbon emissions must surely limit life its self as we know it. Goodness me have not I just described the One Plan. Catch ya.