Hello readers. Well blow me down.Ex Horizons councilor Bob Walker is on the war path over the wasted funding for flood protection for Wanganui. He has been writing letters to the editor, making submissions to the Wanganui District Council 10 yr plan, and complaining bitterly to Horizons CEO about reported media comments by the Chair of Horizons Catchment Committee, Councilor Guy, with regard to flood protection for Wanganui. It also seems that experts are now taking a interest in the regions flood protection schemes with Dr Ian Fuller, (Massy University) and Asaad Shamseldin (Associate Proffessor from the dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering Auckland.) Wow. Things are really happening although I doubt that too much will come out of it as the thrust of these guys comments center on Global Warming.
So whilist we are talking about Global Warming .There it was. reported last month on TV1 News. A British Climatologist saying. Yes forget about global warming. Its Global Cooling that we need to be concerned about. Yes from 2030 the world will really notice the effects of ” Global Cooling”.Expected to last till the end of the centuary. This was immeadiately followed by a climate change expert ,who did not disagree ,but who stated that the earth would be okey ,yes because of Global Warming. All that Carbon which has accumulated in the atmosphere. There it is, Monday 13th July, Titled, Mini Ice Age. If you think it is cold now. My wife found a replay on TV 1 on demand
It was only 4-5 years ago we had the coldest March since 1938. And this last July we had a really cold day. I mean bitter. Talking to the local NIWA recording station manager just down the road, he said it was one of the coldest days if not the coldest he had ever recorded. I keep repeating my self. Climate change is happening but not the offical line. And it is all about political out comes being sought. Trees are the tool, and the damage that will be inflicted on flood protection schemes and other infrastructure is only just beginning to be realised.
Wait till they fill up the Taonui Basin beside Palmerston North. Yes it is going to happen unless there is a change of policy and out comes sought within Central Government.
Trouble is that Ministers seem to confusing the landscape with speech’s such as Paula Bennetts speech to the Local Govt Conference last month. Amalgamation. The Local Govt Commission is going to work with communities to to ensure that we have the right accountabilities to ensure sustainable growth in our towns and cities.
Could mean increased responsibilies for Regional Councils. But let me clear .There will be change. Then she goes on to comment on the poor financial performance of local govt, saying it rated poorly on trust, value for $ spent and managing finances. Scares the hell out of me.
The farm next door was sold to a American chap October last year. He is to plant it in Redwood trees this month. I am guessing for carbon. This property was also one of Horizon Regional Councils SLUI properties. The couple on it could not financially survive, so sold it. The money paid per hec if it is correct was $6100 per hec ,3 x’s the going rate for forestry land elswhere. This property also has a land claim on it. 5 less people living in Ruapehu, and 3 less kids at the local school. So much for the Mayor ,Ministry of Primary Industries and Bussiness and Innovations speacial economic zone supposedly to double Agricultural Income in the district by 2025. The local farmers could not compete with the price paid given that the property was in a run down state.
Confused. I am frightened. I have said it before. Get out of debt. If you cannot then consider a change of life style.