The above title was included in my last post. Forgot to write about the latest findings of a scientific study of Antarctica. It was once a lush forested and grass continent much like we see else where on the planet. Hills, plains, mountains and rivers all abounded. What happened 34 million years ago. Scientists have discovered that a massive “decarbonisation” of the planet accrued. Could it be alot like what our Govt is foisting upon our unsuspecting public. Just the start of something horrible.. I was going to write alot about climate change, but then found this opinion piece from the Farmers Chaplin, Colin Miller, in the Rural News, pg 17. June 4th 2024. A surplus of experts, but a famine for true wisdom. Quote. I have been around long enough to no the truth can easily defend its self, without the need to censor any opposing lies.. Pretty strong words, Hu. To question an expert today, especially if they hold influence with the political class will line you up for all kinds of nasties. They seem to pop up pretty much every where. The financial world has them , science has them, the medical world to. And yes they are in farming .. Oops and he includes all the climate change experts. Nobody gets every thing right 90% of the time, but to get the same thing wrong continually; he thinks something else is going on that we may not be privy to. he quotes the front covers of the internationally reputed and credible magazine. “Time” 1973. The Big Freeze. 1977 The Big Freeze. 2001. Global Warming. 2006 .Be worried. Very worried. Yet more spin. UN predicts disaster if Global Warming not checked. June 1989. Senior UN environmentalist official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. Yet more spin. A climate expert at the UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen  2009. The Artic sea may be ice free in summer as early as 2014. He observes that if any of us had a financial adviser consistently wrong. Well you no what you would do. Same for a Dr dentist, or any other. he observes that Lies fear the truth greatly and will shout it down , or censor it by any means possible.  Now a real simple method ,in your own home. Is fill a glass of water nearly to the top. Place a cube of ice in the glass of same. Water rises does it not. What happens as the ice melts? Yes water level stays pretty much the same, possibly even falling slightly to account for evaporation. These so called experts are really taking the PIXX out of us and by and large most of us are letting them. Long term readers will recognise the WHY. Want more evidence. See pg 12 July 16th 2024.. Opinion . Seems Maori activists have managed to access the Marsden Fund , top tier research funding $84 million/ann  as a result of Labour,s Grant Robertsons slight of hand, now includes humanities. Thus we have funding for Maoridom’s health model, consisting of songs and dances in the homes of sick Maori..And, Tofu munching ,climate striking purple haired academics’ that do not bring any return to taxpayers. Then there is objection . Going back to 2021 a group oof prominent academic’s got cancelled for daring to oppose changes to school curriculum that put all matauranga Maori on a par with empirical knowledge. Latterly KC, Gary Judd got similarly hammered for opposing the introduction of tikanga or Maori societal lore  as a compulsory subject for law degrees. Thus see Mike Smith v Fonterra court case. Smith allowed to take the case under Tikanga rules on behalf of the land and the sea. And the Real Estate Agent who refused to attend same requirement’s for the Real Estate industry. And the lobby group Free Speech now says that far from turning the Racist ship around, indeed the coalition govt is quietly writing references to the Principles of the Treaty thus co-governance into all sorts of legislation before the house.

You have read my post re Biogenic methane a while back. MPI,s trailers. .  Here we have a interesting news clip. Panel banking on farmer support. Rural News July 16th pg 6 2024. Developing enduring solution’s to to agricultural emissions. What should the target be. After all the current stay lasts till 2030. Then what. I dialed up Biogenic Methane on Google. Gas emitted by cows aaaaaaaand rotting vegetation. has any body done a study on “Vegetation” ?. Pg 13 same mag. Benefits for breeding for low methane emitting animals. Seems one farmer ,Mr Bielski ,Rural News July 2nd 2024. wrote. These animals are small, skinny and need large quantities of very high quality grass. Beware. The Agri Search writer responding admits to much of previous writers claims. Lean. But. Not as bad as that.

Sorry but i am reading through various mags to write this post, and in support of  the Farmer’s Chaplin, pg 15 Farmers Weekly July 29th 2024. Eating the Elephant. John Foley. Finding the courage to be a pragmatist. A lesson in history for NZ Ag. New Zealands Infrastructure Deficit. $200 billion and growing. Severe limiter to NZ,s future economic prospects. At one time NZ was good at large scale ,complex infrastructure projects. Pragmatism. Doing things because they need doing or because it is the right thing to do. Now all this woke climate change, gene editing and environmental  stuffs means infrastructure is placed in the to hard basket.

Electricity prices. Humongous. My thoughts. My time in Council decade or more ago you met some interesting people. One such, a engineer on the wind farms. Most expensive form of generation. Generators need upgrades every 18 mths. Life span of 25 years.  On environmental front one of the worst in terms of manufacturing emissions. Now i see that this climate friendly woke govt is being persuaded to  plant good farmland in Blue gum trees as a short rotation forest to be chipped to fire the boilers at Huntly power station. Knowing abit about the cost of running machinery ,trucks, and managing Labour. Not to mention the words short rotation, land and a burnable state.  Oh my god. The Chaplin and Mr Foley must be crying in their beer. Then there is the economic cost to the export economy of even more good farmland to trees.

Still on my time in Horizons , I was pushed by the feds towards Labour MP,s. Lobbying. I was quite confused about it all but never the less one or 2 of them listened. Including Mr O Connor. All good at listening but little else. Here we go again. Alan Emmerson Pg 14 farmers Weekly July 29th. Clearer vision emerges as party lines blur. i do not agree with all he says, but the previous 2 writers quoted will get some comfort from what he says. Having all political parties agreeing on one direction means that the job will be done properly. Think about what i have written above. And especially the Chaplin.

Well that will do me for this month. Just have to remind you that i stated some time ago. A Leopard never changes its spots. Next election will be very interesting. And i have also written that NZ and the world needs a huge recession to remind the populous just where their money comes from thus clearing our economy’s of all this woke nonscience and get some pragmatic economic thinking back into Govts. After all the most important part of the environment is the human component. Could we be on the cusp of such a event?
