Welcome to Mike Plowman’s Blog

The reason I started this blog site was that during my time as a Regional Councilor, I found that I could not get adequate media coverage of Local Govt affairs. If at all. The purpose of my blog is the dissemination of information and Regional Council news that the media will not print. All comments made are my views with regard to the chosen subject.

Carbonisation. Pragmatism. Huntly.. Leopards.

The above title was included in my last post. Forgot to write about the latest findings of a scientific study of Antarctica. It was once a lush forested and grass continent much like we see else where on the planet. Hills, plains, mountains and rivers all abounded....

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Ha Ha. Jumped the gun.

Okey, so in my last post i made some observations re RMA reform, the treaty referendum, and Regional Council reform. Very next day i read in the NZFarmer , RMA Changes End War on Farmers. Says Fed Farmers. (pg 11 Regional Round up May 2024.) Aim is to reduce...

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I have been busy.

Yes. Sat around on my butt for first 3 months of the year. Doing 10 days paid work . Still I was busy on the block. Then the ph started ringing. Cannot say why every body decided it was time to get things done. End of March tax year ? Been to Havelock North. 8 days....

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Fantasy v Reality. 110F.

Discusses the topic. AgriZeroNZ. North Otago farmer Jane Smith is questioning the modus operandi of AgriZeroNZ. The industry and govt partnership working to find a solution to reducing farm methane emissions. Smith is a founding member of the Methane Science Accord,...

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New Collaboration. Freezing. That Document

Before you read this blog. Please re-read last months blog. In fact start at the very beginning. There it is printed in the Horowhenua Chronicle. Friday Jan 12th 2024. pg 6. Runanga delighted with win on waterways nitrate. 3 waters gone, . NPSFW in the holding...

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3 Waters. Carbon Battle. Regional Council Reform

News Flash. This Morning 8th Dec. $588 million shock to the Coalition Govt. 3 Waters. Whilst the Election process was going on in Oct through to the formation/confirmation of a new govt, Govt bureaucrats were busy spending up huge on legislation, contracts, Maori...

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A New Govt. NewsHub.

Here we are. The 24th Nov and we have a new coalition Govt. Certainly dosn,t look like for every 1 new regulation Labour Greens introduced ,National would get rid of 2. Maybe the Fresh Waters and 3 what ever Waters  are on the back burner. Co-Governance seems to have...

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